Reading Locker 3.0

The Reading Locker 3.0 event was successfully held from March 6th to March 11th, 2023. The event was designed to encourage participants to read books provided in the locker for two hours every day during the week, without access to any digital device
during this time.

The event was specifically organized to address the difficulty that IITGN students face in finding time to read books outside of their curriculum. For many students, this event offered a chance to read books they had never explored before or to resume their
reading habits.

The event was attended by a diverse group of participants, including those who wanted to start reading for the first time
and those who were already avid readers. Participants were encouraged to choose from a wide range of books provided in the locker, including fiction, non-fiction, and biographies.

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The event was well-organized and received positive feedback from participants. Many students appreciated the opportunity to take a break from their digital devices and immerse themselves in a good book. They found the event to be an excellent way to explore new genres and authors, and to expand their knowledge and understanding of the world.